How-to quick reference guides
Substrate How-to quick reference guides provide instructions for achieving specific goals. Each guide explains how to perform a specific task with the assumption that you are already familiar with Substrate and programming in Rust.
The How-to quick reference guides are organized into the following categories:
Learn the simple patterns that runtime engineers know inside out. These guides cover the basics that will help you understand more complex topics.
Pallet Design
A collection of best practices on building pallets using FRAME.
All guides about benchmarking and weight configurations for runtime engineers.
Guides to cover different use cases for testing pallets and other runtime logic.
Storage migrations
A collection of guides to help runtime engineers with different types of storage migrations.
Discover different ways to implement consensus mechanisms in your runtimes.
All things related to integrating and extending standalone Substrate chains to parachains.
Guides for tools that are not included out-of-the-box to help you managing Substrate chains in production.
Learn more about contributing to these guides here.