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The goal of this article is to explain how Substrate uses Rust to achieve what it provides. In doing so, it explains how Substrate uses no_std and why, and what it has to do with compiling to Wasm.

As a modern programming language, Rust provides a high degree of performance, type safety and memory efficiency. The Rust compiler helps developers be confident in the code they write, making it harder to write code with memory or concurency bugs. This is mostly owed to its type system which solves such issues at compile time. Among other characteristics this section will see, it's a language which gives Substrate a powerful edge that other languages don't offer.

Useful context:

Cargo and

Cargo is Rust's package management tool. It comes with a number of different types of commands for running tests, building documentation, benchmarks and more.

Some common patterns for using cargo when developing with Substrate include:

  • Generating source code documentation using cargo doc for any pallet or runtime.
  • Running unit tests using cargo test for any runtime logic.
  • Managing project dependencies using cargo update and cargo edit.
  • Using cargo tree for resolving dependency issues.
  • Using cargo remote to speed up compile times by using a remote machine.

The complete list of cargo plugins can be found here. is Rust's community managed package registry. Any Rust developer can publish their crates there for others to use in their projects. This is useful to make Substrate components accessible to developers and for developers to easily reuse existing modules in their projects.

Programming paradigms

Types, traits and generics.

Reading: -

Rust has a sophisticated trait system that helps developers make use of Substrate’s many layers of abstractions. The core features available to build abstractions are owed to Rust's system of traits and generics.

Generics allow Substrate to exist as a sort of template for writing runtimes. They use traits to encapsulate the set of operations that can be performed on a generic type. For developers, this system makes it possible to extend domain specific logic by defining custom behavior using traits and type bounds.

┌──────────────┐ ┌──────────────┐ │ │ │ │ │ Substrate │ │ Runtime │ │ (generic lib)├───────────►│ (user code, │ │ │ │ concrete) │ └──────────────┘ └──────────────┘

Having Substrate as generic as possible leaves maximum flexibility, where generics resolve into whatever the user defines them to resolve as. Refer to the UTXO implementation with Substrate for a demonstration of how these paradigms make Substrate flexible and modular.

Configuration traits

A common use of abstractions in Susbtrate is the use of the Config trait from frame_system when developing pallets. This is the trait responsible for declaring the types that are commonly used in developing Substrate runtimes. With it there is no need to duplicate code that declares a type that's used in several places, such as AccountId. Instead, any pallet-which is coupled to frame_system::Config by definintion-can refer to an AccountId type by using the generic T:


Only where the types are made concrete will the generic AccountId resolve to a specific type. This happens in the runtime implementation of frame_system::Config where AccountId is specified as:

// In the `runtime/src/` file of the Substrate node template.
pub type AccountId = <<Signature as Verify>::Signer as IdentifyAccount>::AccountId;

A trait such as frame_system::Config is constrained by its associated types. Further, each type is constrained by specific traits. This makes it possible to use AccountId generically so long as it satifies those contraints. For example, the associated type for AccountId is bound by a number of traits:

        /// The user account identifier type for the runtime.
        type AccountId: Parameter
            + Member
            + MaybeSerializeDeserialize
            + Debug
            + MaybeDisplay
            + Ord
            + Default
            + MaxEncodedLen;

Every pallet also has its own Config or "configuration" trait which enables defining additional associated types that are specific to that pallet. In the same way that frame_system::Config associated types are made concrete in the runtime implementation, a pallet's associated types are configured in the runtime as well.

Generic types

Any type can be passed into a generic so long as the type implements the traits associated with that generic. With this paradigm, we can define a struct or enum and its associated traits and types and pass it as a parameter.

For example, the enum Runtime is passed as a parameter to SubstrateWeight:

SubstrateWeight<T> --> SubstrateWeight<Runtime>

This exemplifies that so long as the constraints of that trait are satisfied, the generic T will resolve to fit the functionality it's targeting. In this case, Runtime implements all the required traits required to satisfy SubstrateWeight<T>.

Common traits

In many cases there is a need to use traits and types which are shared between multiple pallets. One example is a runtime's understanding of account balance and how multiple pallets need to share the same notion of it.

Instead of defining the same implementation of balances in each pallet that requires it, we can pass in any pallet that implements some Currency trait to turn generic types into concrete ones in the runtime implementation.

When building with FRAME, so long as this associated type adheres to the trait bounds of a some Currency trait, it can simply pass in the runtime's instance of pallet_balances across all pallets that rely on the same notion for currency.

For example, pallet_staking has an associated type Currency whose trait bound is LockableCurrency. Given that pallet_balances implements this trait, any runtime that includes the balances pallet can make the generic associated type concrete assigning it the balances pallets' runtime instance.

Metaprogramming. Substrate uses "metaprogramming" in how macros are used throughout its libraries. This allows developers building with Substrate to write code that writes code, avoiding the need to write duplicate code. For example, FRAME uses macros to alleviate the need to write the heavy lifting code that is required for a pallet to integrate into a runtime. Similarly, ink! uses macros to handle common type creations and functions.


Webassembly. Rust compiles to executable Wasm (Webassembly) byte code, enabling Substrate runtimes to also compile to Wasm. Beyond being a powerful "next-generation web" technology, for Substrate, having Wasm at the core of its design means a few very specific things:

Build environments

Rust is an embedded programming language. This means it is designed for writing programs that don't need to rely on the standards of existing operating systems to run. There are two classes of embedded programming environemnts: hosted environments and bare metal environments.

Hosted environments assume basic system integration primitives such as a file and memory management system (e.g. POSIX) and rely on the Rust standard library. In bare metal environments, the compiled program makes no assumption about its target environment. This requires exclusively using the Rust core library for such programs and telling the compiler to ignore the standard library entirely.

For Substrate, having a bare metal environment option is a major contribution to enabling platform agnostic runtimes.

Compiling to no_std vs. std

Since a Substrate runtime is designed to be platform-agnostic, all runtime specific code is required to build with no_std. This is done by including a default crate feature, std and using the cfg_attr and cfg attributes as a switch to disable std in favor of no_std where needed.

Notice that in the Substrate node template, any file that's part of the node's runtime logic (such as runtime/src/ and pallets/template/src/ will include:

#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]

This means that the code that follows this line will be treated as no_std except for code that is identified as feature = "std". This prevents the std crate from being automatically added into scope. For code that requires the std crate, we simply trigger the conditional switch:

// in runtime/src/
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use sp_version::NativeVersion;

Wasm target

By design, a Substrate node is cross-compiled to embed the Wasm runtime in the client at genesis. To achieve this we need to specifiy a Wasm target for the compiler. A target is simply information for the compiler to know what platform the code should be generated for.

Rust can support a multitude of target platforms. Each target is identified as a triple which informs the compiler what kind of output a program expects. A target triple takes the form of:


When setting up your Rust environment, the compiler will default to using the host toolchain's platform as the target. For example:


In order to compile to Wasm, you need to add the wasm32-unknown-unknown target. This triple translates to: "compile to a Wasm target of 32-bit address space and make no assumptions about the host and target environments". The result is that it can run on any type of 32-bit CPU.

Other Wasm targets for Rust do exist. However, the "unknown" parts of this Wasm target enforces the notion of making zero assumptions about the target environment, which is a key design decision in Substrate.

It is also worth mentioning that there is std support for Substrate's Wasm target. But this is not something that Wasm runtimes in Substrate support as it could open up unwanted errors. In addition, the wasm32-unknown-unknown target architecture and no_std have the same fundamental assumptions, making no_std a natural fit. Rust std features are generally not compatible with the intended constraints of a Wasm runtime. For example, developers who attempt operations that are not allowed in the runtime, such as printing some text using std, could at worst cause the runtime to panic and terminate immediately.

In general, relying only the no_std implementation of wasm32-unknown-unknown ensures that:

  • A Substrate runtime is deterministic.
  • A Substrate runtime is platform agnostic.
  • A Substrate runtime is safe from unhandled errors.


Wasm runtime compilation uses Wasm builder which requires having a nightly toolchain installed. This is because the wasm32-unknown-unknown relies on experimental features of Rust. Over time, features will likely be promoted to stable. Subscribe to this tracking issue for updates and read more about the build process to understand how a Substrate node is cross-compiled.
